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Starting at $6 per window
Let Us Improve Your View Of The World!

   At South Coast SolarClean we are proud to provide our customers with affordable, streak-free window cleaning services for both residential and commercial properties. We believe that everyone deserves to experience a clean and beautiful residential home or commercial property. Our customers appreciate our affordable rates and high quality, meticulous cleaning service.

Residential Window Cleaning

  Our window cleaning staff is fully trained to utilize our range of high-quality tools. We strive to make sure every window cleaning service always includes a satisfied customer. Upon arriving at your home, our window cleaners will wear protective booties to ensure no harm will come to your flooring. We will place drop clothes under windows where necessary to make sure no water damage occurs to your floors. For every window, all interior edges and frames are wiped clean. As an additional service, we also offer vacuum track cleaning. We always double-check our work following our service to make sure we didn’t miss a spot!

Commercial Window Cleaning

We have provided professional glass cleaning services to many local restaurants, assisted living centers, banks, storefronts, and office buildings. We know that when we are providing clean windows for you, we are also providing clean windows for your customers as well. A clean window demonstrates that you care about your business and that we care about ours. We offer flexible scheduling to work around your business hours and try our best to avoid interrupting anyone’s work schedule. In addition, as safety is a top concern, we deploy safety cones and drop cloths where necessary.

Annual Maintenance 

We have provided professional glass cleaning services to many local restaurants, assisted living centers, banks, storefronts, and office buildings. We know that when we are providing clean windows for you, we are also providing clean windows for your customers as well. A clean window demonstrates that you care about your business and that we care about ours. We offer flexible scheduling to work around your business hours and try our best to avoid interrupting anyone’s work schedule. In addition, as safety is a top concern, we deploy safety cones and drop cloths where necessary.

Squeegee Blade vs Water Fed Pole System

We offer two types of window cleaning procedures based on the needs of our residential and commercial customers. The traditional window cleaning technique that we use includes using a squeegee blade along with a silicone-based glass cleaner solution to provide a sparkling, spotless shine to every window.


Our other cleaning technique involves using a deionized water-fed pole cleaning system, which uses purified water in conjunction with a pole and brush, to provide a spot-free finish on windows. This process is reserved for exterior windows, skylights, solar panels, and glass windbreaks that require a controlled, detailed cleaning. Please note that deionized water is not harmful to your property’s landscaping or building structure. Depending on the layout of your property, we will use our discretion to determine the appropriate window cleaning technique for you!

Window Cleaning – FAQ

How often should I clean my windows?
Based on the warm, temperate climate conditions of Orange County it is ideal to service your windows 1 – 2 times per year. Many of our customers also take advantage of quarterly cleanings on their properties. Ask Gene about opportunities related to custom scheduling.

It is going to rain. Will my window service be affected?
A common misconception is that rain will ruin a recently cleaned window. However, it is important to note that rain spots a window because that window is already dirty. If a window and screen are already clean, then the outside window will be able to remain intact until the next service.

If it rains shortly after we have cleaned your windows and you are not fully satisfied, an attempt to reclean your windows will be met.

Do I need to take down my drapes or curtains?
It is not required to remove your drapes or curtains, but it does expedite the cleaning process. Our technicians are capable of working around nearly all types of furniture and home decor in and around the house.

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